Check out who will be igniting the conversations during this year’s Wellbeing Summit!
These speakers are experts who have made real change using wellbeing as a design principle for change.
“I am excited about The Wellbeing Summit because I think the impact we as changemakers can have together…”
Hover or tap over a name to see what our changemakers have to say:

Abena Ojetayo
City of Tallahassee

Ali Mathias
Ali Mathias
Let's Connect
Brittenay Causieestko-Lee
Center for Policing Equity
Brittenay Causieestko-Lee
"is to continue to break down silos and build learning communities to have a collective stance and voice regarding these systemic issues that continue to cause harm to our black and brown communities. Together, we can advocate for policies and build a framework that improves the community and enhances the quality of life and opportunities."
Let's Connect

Ceasar McDowell
Ceasar McDowell
Let's Connect
Gary Anderson
Plowshares Theatre Company
Gary Anderson
Let's Connect
Gina Patterson
Boston Medical Center
Gina Patterson
Let's Connect
Helen Johnson
Michigan Municipal League Foundation
Helen Johnson
Let's Connect
Jeanette Pierce
The City Institute

Jeanne Milstein
New London
Jeanne Milstein
"is creating a transformative action plan with well being as the foundation and north star that will result in sustainable, systemic change."

Jennifer Olsen
LocalFirst Group, LLC
Jennifer Olsen

Jim MacMillan
Philadelphia Center for Gun Violence Reporting

Judith Dangerfield
Judith Dangerfield

Keris Jan Myrick
Keris Jan Myrick
Let's Connect
M. Quentin Williams
Dedication to Community
M. Quentin Williams
Let's Connect
Michael Cowden
Code for America
Michael Cowden
"I think the impact as changemakers we can have are innovative ideas around how we can maintain an equitable and inclusive democracy in the age of hyper-partisanship, social media, disinformation and unlimited political spending."
Let's Connect

Michelle Moore
Michelle Moore
Let's Connect
Natalie Stites Means
Wotakuye Mutual Aid Society and He Sapa Voter Initiative
Natalie Stites Means
Let's Connect
Nimisha Patel
The New Guard
Nimisha Patel
Let's Connect
Patrick McNeal
North Flint Neighborhood Action Council
Patrick McNeal
"any opportunity to give voice to the voiceless and audibility to the hearing impaired is a space that I desire to be in. For without dialogue there is little chance for lasting change."

Phyllis Becker
Full Frame Initiative
Phyllis Becker
"could not be more critical given the moment we are in our county. The power, the possibilities, and the movement we can generate together as a group dedicated to the wellbeing of all are immense. Our collective efforts will allow us to identify and supercharge what works well and create innovative strategies to leverage transformational system change."

Rebecca Neusteter
University of Chicago Health Lab
Rebecca Neusteter
will be transformative in making it a reality that everyone in the US has a fair shot at achieving wellbeing!
Let's Connect

Rod Bremby
Rod Bremby
"will elevate awareness of the urgency and our agency to address the challenge of our lifetimes successfully."
Let's Connect

Sanah Jivani
Love Your Natural Self Foundation
Sanah Jivani

Sandy Ambrozy
Full Frame Initiative
Sandy Ambrozy
"is profound. I see it happening already - it's not aspirational - justice change agents across the country are already working with a wellbeing frame and transforming the civil justice system."
Let's Connect

Sean Goode
Sean Goode
"There is no greater power than the collective us! Gathering together in this way, gazing through the lens of well being, while imaging the world as it can be will create ripples of good that will extend far beyond our time together in NC."
Let's Connect

Shemekka Ebony Stewart-Isaacs
Shemekka Ebony, I Am Brilliant
Shemekka Ebony Stewart-Isaacs
Let's Connect
Tamara Bauman
Solid Ground
Tamara Bauman
"is transformative and hopefully inspiring for the next generation of changemakers. Our collective action to uplift humanity's universal drive for wellbeing will be foundational to effecting systemic and social change for our most marginalized communities."
Let's Connect

Tchernavia Montgomery
Care Ring
Tchernavia Montgomery
Let's Connect
Tim Decker
Social Innovation Partners, LLC
Tim Decker
Let's Connect
Tonya Jameson
Leading on Opportunity
Tonya Jameson
Let's Connect
Tracy Wareing Evans
Tracy Wareing Evans
"is to ensure that our systems actually work for people instead of people having to work the system(s)."
Let's Connect

Xavier Briggs
The Brookings Institution